Soil Science


Plant residues like leaves or roots that are deposited in or on the soil are rapidly colonized by microorganisms which begin the decomposition process. There is more on this in the Soil Organic Matter module.

Soil microbes are able to fulfill this role because they are able to produce and excrete enzymes which hydrolyze many organic compounds.

Watch the video to see microbial decomposition.


Fungi on moist and decomposing leaves of Phalaris grass.

Watch this video to see a close-up of these fungi.


Fungi have root-like structures called hyphae, which penetrate the dead plant material.

Watch this video to see an even closer view.


Here you can see a single fungal hypha, greatly magnified, penetrating a leaf. Surrounding it are dozens of small, rounded rod-like organisms. These are bacteria, another important class of decomposers in the soil.

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