Soil Science



Which is NOT a force acting on soil particles??

Correct! Water content is the amount of water in soil. Forces on particles via the liquid phase would be generated by pore water pressure.

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Which soil constituents are affected by soil compaction??

Correct! Only macro-aggregates are affected by extemal forces such as compaction. The other constituents are too small and too resilient to be affected by such forces.

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Which of the following in NOT true of a strongly compacted clay soil??

Correct! Compaction would have destroyed the soil macro-pores. This will result in aeration problems when the soil is wet and in higher soil strength. Compaction will not alter the water holding capacity of the soil, as this is largely determined by the clay content

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Which soil elements are held together mainly by roots and hype??

Correct! Macro-aggregates are held together by a fine network of roots and hype. The other elements are held together more by decomposed matter such as plant, microbial, and fungal debris.

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