Soil Science



Soil colloids are particles with diameters in the range:

Correct! Soil colloids are the clay particle size fraction and comprise silicate and non-silicate clay minerals, as well as hummus.

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The exchangeable cations initially present in the soil may be determined by analysing the filtrate obtained after leaching the soil with:

Correct! Ammonium chloride solution. If you got this wrong, you need to go through the measurement of cation exchange properties section again.

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For a soil with a CEC of 100 cmolckg-1, what is the maximum number of moles of Na+ that could be adsorbed by 1 kg soil?

Correct! Each negative colloid charge is balanced by one Na+ ion, so 1 kg soil will adsorb 100 cmol Na+ = 1 mol Na+.

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If 1 kg of a soil with a CEC of 100 cmolckg-1 is saturated with Ca2+ ions, how many moles of Ca2+ would be adsorbed?

Correct! Each Ca2+ ion has a two positive charges and will therefore balance two negative colloid charges. Thus, each negative colloidal charge is balanced by 0.5 Ca2+ ions, and so 1 kg of soil will adsorb 50 cmol Ca2+ = 0.5 mol Ca2+.

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The most common ion found in the centre of the tetrahedrons in silicate clay minerals is:?

Correct! A13+ ions mostly ocour in octahedrons, although a small proportion of tetrahedral positions may contain A13+ instead of Si4+. This is isomorphous substitution and gives the clay a permanent net negative charge O2- ions are found at the vertices of the tetrahedrons.

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Which one of the following is not a mechanism by which soil colloids become negatively charged?

Correct! (d) creates positive not negative charges on the colloid. (a) and (b) are examples of isomorphous substitution, which give colloids permanent negative charge. (c) is an example of the creation of negative variable charge.

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