Soil Science



Which two additional soil physical properties are considered by the non-limiting water range?

Correct! The non-limiting water range uses an aeration limit (usually at 10% air-filled porosity) and a soil strength limit (depends on soil type) to better define the water availability to plants.

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Water is retained by soil:

Correct! Capillary water and water adsorbed to particle surfaces make up the total amount of water in soil. Soils which contain materials with a large surface area, such as clay and organic matter, may have a higher water content but the mechanism of water retention is the same.

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Which of the following is NOT a component potential of the total soil water potential?


Try again. Only the osmotic, matric, and gravitational potentials will give rise to water movement in soil. The electric potential will result in movement of electrons.


If matric potential is expressed per unit weight, it can be measured as:

Correct! Expressing a potential per unit weight results in the units Joules per Newton which can be simplified to the unit metre (hint: J = Nm).

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Which of the following is NOT true of a soil with a soil moisture tension of approximately 10 kPa?

Correct! Soil with a soil moisture tension of 10 kPa is at field capacity. Pores larger than 0.03 mm in diameter have been drained by gravity and are air-filled.

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Which of the following is NOT true in regard to soil water movement?

Correct! Water will move from a point of higher potential (high free energy level, low moisture tension, wet soil) to a point of lower potential (low free energy level, high moisture tension, dry soil). The rate of water movement is slower in drier soil.

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