Soil Science



Which of the following soil types has the highest cohesiveness??

Correct! The clay soil has the highest clay content and therefore the highest cohesiveness.

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Which of the following soil parameters does NOT affect soil strength??

Correct! Hydraulic conductivity is a measure of how fast water can move in a soil and does not affect soil strength.

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The most important parameter affecting soil strength is?

Correct! Soil water content has by far the greatest impact on soil strength. For example, a clay soil can be hard as concrete when dry but soft as plasticine when wet.

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Which of the following clay soils would plant roots find it most difficult to grow in?

Correct! Besides soil texture (clay content), soil structure can also have a large effect on root growth. Cracks in a shrinking and swelling clay soil, spaces between strong aggregates (bound by organic matter), and bropores created by soil animal activity (e.g. earthworms), all provide preferred pathways which plant roots can explore.

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The topsoil of the Solodic soil has a higher strength at low water content compared to the Podzol. This is due to?

Correct! Podzols have low coherence, as they contain little or no clay. The Solodic A horizon is affected by dispersible clay from the B horizon which results in a stronger sandy A horizon. This is very pronounced at low water content when clay acts as a cementing substance.

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The topsoil of the organic Yellow Earth is less susceptible to compaction compared to the Krasnozem. This is due to?

Correct! A high organic matter content improves the resilience of soil to compactive forces. High organic matter contents result in greater aggregate stability and in a more elastic behaviour of soil when subjected to compressive forces A high water content and a loam texture generally increase a soil's susceptibility to compaction

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