Soil Science



Deficiency in which of the following nutrients commonly results in chlorosis of young leaves first?

Correct! Sulfur deficiency results in yellowing or chlorosis, initially of young leaves. Nitrogen deficiencies can also result in leaf chlorosis, but because N can be translocated from old to new leaves, symptoms are seen first on the old leaves.

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Which of the following elements is not essential to all plants?

Correct! Sodium is only essential to halophytes like saltbush.

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Which of the following micronutrients tends to be less available in acid than alkaline soils?

Correct! Mo deficiencies are common in acid soils. This is particularly significant for the legume component of a pasture, which needs Mo in order to fix N. In contrast, Fe, Zn and Min all tend to become less available in alkaline soils.

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Which of the following macronutrients can be taken up by plants as both an anion and a cation?


Try again. Nitrogen occurs in the soil solution as nitrate ions (NO3-) and ammonium ions (NH4+), and plants readily take up both forms. In moist, fertile soils nitate is usually the more abundant, because specialised soil microorganisms oxidise ammonium to nitrate, a process called nitrification.


Soil compaction can adversely affect plant growth in several ways. Which of the following is the least likely to be a consequence of soil compaction?

Correct! Compaction is less likely to affect soil temperature than the others. Poor soil aeration and high soil strength affect root growth, which can affect the plant's ability to access immobile nutrients, particularly phosphorus.

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Waterlogging of soil increases the availability of which of the following nutrients?

Correct! Mn becomes more available in waterlogged soil because insoluble Mn4+ oxides are chemically reduced to more soluble Mn2+ compounds. Fe also becomes more available in waterlogged soils, as Fe3+ is reduced to Fe2+ (look at the Soil Genesis module).

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Which of the following micronutrients is most likely to be deficient in soils as a result of lacking?

Correct! Boron is susceptible to leaching, particularly from sandy soils. . It is present in the soil solution mainly as uncharged boric acid (H3BO3) molecules which are only weakly adsorbed on soil colloids. Fe, Mn and Zn occur in the soil solution as cations and are more strongly adsorbed.

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